W o r k g r o u p M a i l  V e r s i o n 7
 Step by Step Installation Guide
7 Configuring Outlook Express

This page describes how to configure Outlook Express to send and receive e-mail through WorkgroupMail.

You can configure Outlook Express to send and receive e-mail through WorkgroupMail in the following way:

In Outlook Express, select Tools | Accounts... from the menu. The Internet Accounts dialog box is displayed.

Press the Add button and select Mail... from the menu that appears to the right of the Add button. The Internet Connection Wizard is displayed, showing the Your Name page.

Enter your name and press Next. The next page shown is the Internet E-mail Address page.

In this page, select the I already have an e-mail address that I'd like to use radio button and enter the same e-mail address that you entered into the Details page in the WorkgroupMail Setup program. Press Next to continue. The next page is the E-mail Server Names page.

Ensure that POP3 is selected in the drop down list at the top of the page. Then, enter the IP address of the computer which runs WorkgroupMail into both the Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server and Outgoing mail (SMTP) server fields. Then press Next to continue. The next page is the Internet Mail Logon page.

The information that you specify here will enable Outlook Express to connect to WorkgroupMail in order to receive e-mail. Into the Account name and Password fields you must enter the local account name and password for the user whose mail client you are configuring.

You can find this information by opening the WorkgroupMail administrator program and selecting the relevant user in the left-hand list. In the right-hand window, you will see a value for the Local account name.

Enter this information into the Account name and Password fields in this page.

Tick the Remember password tick box and ensure that you leave the Log on using Secure Password Authentication (SPA) tick box un-ticked and press Next to continue. The last page is the Congratulations page, which informs you that you have entered all of the information required to set up the account. Press Finish to create the account.

If you have Internet Explorer configured to dial up in order to connect to the Internet, then by default, Outlook Express will automatically try to dial up when you want to send or receive messages. Since Outlook Express only needs to connect to the WorkgroupMail computer, which is on the local area network, then Outlook Express should be configured as follows:

  • Select Tools | Accounts... from the menu in Outlook Express. The Internet Accounts dialog box is displayed.
  • From the list, select the account that you have just created and press the Properties button. The Property sheet is displayed for the account.
  • Select the Connection page, tick the Always connect to this account using tick box and select Local Area Network from the drop down list as shown below. Then press OK to save your changes.
  • You are now ready to test that the mail client can send and receive e-mail to and from WorkgroupMail.
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